What is Apex?

APEX, a programming language specifically designed for the Salesforce platform, is the foundation of Salesforce development.

It Enables developers to create custom functionality, automate processes, and integrate with external systems, extending the capabilities of Salesforce beyond its standard features.

APEX is Smoothly integrated with Salesforce, running directly on Salesforce servers and granting direct access to Salesforce data and metadata. This allows developers to manipulate data and perform operations within the Salesforce environment.

To write efficient and scalable code, developers must understand APEX’s governor limits, which are resource limitations imposed by Salesforce.

Additionally, adhering to APEX best practices is essential for optimizing code performance and maintainability.

Real Time Cases for Apex Development:

  • A healthcare provider is struggling to keep up with the growing volume of patient data. They need a way to automate their data entry processes and improve their overall efficiency.
  • A financial services firm is looking for a way to reduce the risk of fraud. They need a way to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in real time.
  • A manufacturing company is struggling to manage its supply chain. They need a way to track the movement of goods and materials in real time.

Before you can build complex things with Salesforce APEX, you need to learn the basics.

Key Fundamental Components to Focus on When learning Salesforce APEX Development

  • Data Types and Variables
  • Operators and Expressions
  • Control Flow Statements
  • Data Structures
  • Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
  • Salesforce Object Model (SOQL and SOSL)
  • Apex Triggers
  • Apex Classes
  • Apex Visualforce Pages
  • Apex Testing
  • Apex Governor Limits
  • Apex Best Practices

Data Types and Variables

Data Types:

Imagine you’re a baker preparing a cake. You need different ingredients, like flour, sugar, and eggs, each with its own purpose and properties.

Just like these ingredients, data types and variables are essential components in programming.

Data types are like the different ingredients in your cake recipe. They define the kind of information a variable can hold.

Just as flour is for making the cake’s structure and sugar for sweetness, data types categorize the data based on its nature. Here are some common data types

  • Integer: Represents whole numbers, both positive and negative, such as -10, 0, and 42.
  • Double: Represents floating-point numbers, including decimal values, such as 3.14159, 2.71828, and 0.001.
  • Long: Represents larger whole numbers, especially useful for IDs and timestamps.
  • Date: Represents specific dates without time information, such as 2023-12-02.
  • Datetime: Represents specific dates and times, including seconds and microseconds, such as 2023-12-02 17:25:43.000000.
  • String: Represents sequences of characters, such as “Hello, world!”, “This is an example string.”, and “123 Main Street”.
  • ID: Represents Salesforce IDs, which are unique identifiers for Salesforce records, such as 005D00000038zZgIAAQ.
  • Boolean: Represents true or false values, used for logical conditions and comparisons.


Variables are like containers that store your ingredients, ready to be used in your cake recipe. They represent the memory locations that hold the actual data.

Just as you assign labels to your ingredients, you give names to variables to identify them.

For instance, you might declare a variable named ‘age’ with the data type ‘number’ to store a person’s age. This variable can hold values like 25, 30, or 42.

Similarly, you could declare a variable named ‘name’ with the data type ‘text’ to store a person’s name, like ‘Alice’, ‘Bob’, or ‘Charlie’.

Best Practices For Variables:

  • Choose names that indicate the variable’s purpose or content.
  • Consistently use naming conventions like CamelCase.
  • Prefer descriptive names over abbreviations that might not be clear to others.
  • Maintain naming consistency across your codebase for better understanding.
  • Periodically review variable names to ensure they remain relevant and descriptive.
// Example of good variable naming conventions

// Choose names indicating the variable's purpose or content
String customerFullName = 'John Doe';
Integer productQuantityAvailable = 100;

// Consistently use CamelCase naming conventions
Decimal totalOrderAmount = 499.99;
Date expectedDeliveryDate = Date.newInstance(2023, 12, 15);

// Prefer descriptive names over unclear abbreviations
String userEmailAddress = '[email protected]';
Double discountPercentage = 15.5;

// Maintain naming consistency across your codebase
String shippingAddressStreet = '123 Main St';
String shippingAddressCity = 'Anytown';

// Periodically review and ensure relevance of variable names
Integer remainingStockQuantity = 50;
String customerPrimaryContact = 'Jane Smith';

In summary, data types define the category of information, while variables are the actual containers that hold that data. They are like the building blocks of programming, allowing you to organize and manipulate information effectively.

Operators and Expressions:

Operators are the building blocks of any programming language, providing the tools to manipulate data and perform calculations.

Salesforce Apex, the powerful programming language for Salesforce development, offers a comprehensive set of operators to handle various data types and operations.

Let’s delve into the world of APEX operators, exploring their types, applications, and the order in which they are executed.

Apex operators are the tools that let you perform calculations, compare values, and make decisions in your code.

Arithmetic operators like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and modulus (%) let you do math.

Comparison operators like equal to (==), not equal to (!=), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), and less than or equal to (<=) let you compare values.

Logical operators like and (&&), or (||), and not (!) let you combine comparisons to make more complex decisions.

The order of operations tells you which operators to do first. Parentheses come first, then exponents, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction, then comparisons, and finally logical operators.

Best Practices For Operators:

  • Simplify the code by eliminating extra or confusing symbols that don’t enhance clarity.
  • When dealing with multiple tasks in code (e.g., math or comparisons), use parentheses to specify the order of operations, avoiding confusion.
  • Maintain a consistent writing style throughout the code, ensuring symbols and spaces are organized.
  • Prioritize code readability over minor performance improvements unless speed is crucial.

// Using parentheses for clarity in mathematical operations
Integer result1 = (a + b) * c; // Preferable to a + (b * c)

// Using comparison operators
Boolean isGreaterThan = a > b;
Boolean isEqual = a == b;

// Maintain consistent writing style and organize symbols
Decimal price = 49.99;
Double discount = 0.2;
Decimal discountedPrice = price * (1 - discount); // Maintain consistency in symbol spacing

// Prioritize code readability over minor performance improvements
Integer quantity = 15;
Decimal totalCost = price * quantity;

Real Time Cases:

  • Retrieving all products with a quantity greater than 50 and less than 100 units: In a sales app, fetching items from inventory that need restocking soon based on their quantities.
  • Determining discounts based on customer loyalty points: In a loyalty program, automatically applying varying discounts to customers depending on their accumulated points.
  • Creating validation rules for opportunities with both a close date set in the future and a related contact: In a CRM, ensuring that only opportunities with future deadlines and associated contacts can be saved.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into Apex, I’ve got some tutorial links ready for you! These resources cover various aspects of Apex development.


  • Salesforce Developer Documentation (Salesforce Developer): The official documentation offers comprehensive insights into APEX, covering datatypes, variables, and operators with examples and explanations.
  • Trailhead (Salesforce Trailhead): This interactive learning platform by Salesforce provides guided learning paths for APEX. It includes modules dedicated to APEX datatypes, variables, and operators.
  • Stack Exchange – Salesforce (Salesforce Stack Exchange): This community-driven platform hosts discussions and Q&A related to Salesforce development, including detailed explanations about APEX concepts.
  • Apex Developer Guide (Apex Developer Guide): Salesforce’s Apex Developer Guide is an in-depth resource that covers the specifics of APEX, including datatypes, variables, and operators.
  • SFDC99 (SFDC99): Created by David Liu, this website offers tutorials, articles, and resources catering to various aspects of Salesforce development, including APEX fundamentals.

YouTube Channels:

  • Salesforce Developers (Salesforce Developers YouTube): Official Salesforce Developers channel covering tutorials, demos, and discussions on APEX and related topics.
  • David Liu – SFDC99 (David Liu – SFDC99 YouTube): David Liu’s channel, an extension of SFDC99, providing in-depth tutorials and tips for Salesforce development.
  • Simplilearn (Simplilearn YouTube): Offers comprehensive tutorials on Salesforce development, including APEX concepts like datatypes, variables, and operators.

Developer Links:

  • Salesforce Developer Forums (Salesforce Developer Forums): Engage with fellow developers, ask questions, and explore discussions around APEX datatypes, variables, and operators.
  • Stack Overflow – Salesforce (Stack Overflow – Salesforce): Stack Overflow’s Salesforce tag hosts numerous questions and answers related to APEX programming, offering insights from the developer community.
  • GitHub – Salesforce (GitHub – Salesforce): Explore repositories, sample projects, and code snippets related to APEX programming on Salesforce’s official GitHub account.
  • Salesforce Developer Blogs (Salesforce Developer Blogs): Access blogs written by Salesforce developers, offering practical insights, tips, and tutorials on APEX development.
  • Trailblazer Community (Trailblazer Community): Engage in discussions, seek advice, and access resources shared by Salesforce developers and experts, covering various aspects of APEX programming.


In addition to the resources mentioned above, there are numerous other avenues to explore for mastering Apex. Online courses, training sessions, books, and articles offer structured learning and in-depth knowledge. Additionally, hands-on experience gained through personal projects and participation in the vibrant Apex developer community further solidifies one’s understanding and expertise.

Remember, consistent practice, seeking assistance when needed, and actively engaging with the community are key to accelerating your Apex learning journey. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll undoubtedly achieve Apex mastery.

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