
Imagine you’re drowning in a sea of spreadsheets, reports, and numbers. You know valuable insights are hidden in your company’s data, but you can’t seem to find the patterns and trends that matter. That’s where Salesforce Einstein Analytics comes in. It’s like a super-powered flashlight, cutting through the confusion to show you the insights you need for smarter decisions, quickly. With Einstein Analytics, you can get to know your customers, spot trends, and even predict what might happen next – all to help your business to grow.

What is Salesforce Einstein Analytics?

Imagine you work for a banking client, and you’ve got lots of info about customers: what they do with their accounts, their transactions, and how often they use the mobile app. But it’s like a big puzzle with missing pieces.

Enter Salesforce Einstein Analytics – your puzzle solver. With it, you can:

  1. Check out spending trends: Look at how customers use their accounts to see what they’re into. This helps suggest stuff they might like, like savings accounts for those who save a lot.
  2. Catch possible fraud: Einstein Analytics keeps an eye on transactions in real-time. If something seems fishy, it flags it up. This way, you can stop Suspicious purchases and keep your customers’ money safe.
  3. Predict who might leave: It can spot customers who might leaving the bank. Then, you can offer them sweet deals to stay and keep them happy.

How to access Einstein Analytics within Salesforce

Before You Start:

  1. Check Your License: Make sure your organization has Salesforce Einstein Analytics licenses, and you have one assigned to your user profile.
  2. Have the Right Permissions: Your Salesforce user profile needs permission to use Einstein Analytics. If you’re not sure, talk to your Salesforce admin.

Steps to Access Einstein Analytics:

  1. Open the App Launcher: In the top-left corner of your Salesforce window, click on the grid-like icon (the App Launcher).
  2. Search for ‘Analytics Studio’: In the App Launcher search bar, type “Analytics Studio” and select it from the results.
  3. Explore Analytics Studio: You’re now in the main Einstein Analytics interface, where you can create dashboards, explore data, and more!

Accessing Embedded Dashboards

  1. Find the Right Object:
    • Navigate to the Salesforce object where the dashboard is embedded. This could be Accounts, Opportunities, or any other relevant object.
    • You can typically find these objects listed in the navigation menu on the left side of the Salesforce interface. Click on the appropriate object name to access its details.
  2. Look for the Dashboard Tab:
    • Once you’re on the object’s page, look at the tabs located at the top of the page.
    • If there’s a dashboard embedded within this object, you’ll see a tab labeled with the dashboard’s name among the other tabs.
  3. Click the Tab:
    • Identify the tab with the dashboard’s name and click on it.
    • This action will take you to the embedded dashboard, where you can view and interact with the dashboard’s contents.

Following these steps should allow you to easily access and interact with any embedded dashboards within the Salesforce object you’re working with.

Can I use Einstein analytics for as individual?

Unfortunately, you can’t use Salesforce Einstein Analytics directly as an individual. Here’s why:

  • Salesforce Requirement: Einstein Analytics is deeply integrated into the Salesforce platform. It’s designed to analyze and visualize data that already exists within your Salesforce organization (Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, etc.).
  • Licensing: The licenses for Einstein Analytics are tied to Salesforce orgs. This means you’ll need a Salesforce subscription with an appropriate Einstein Analytics license to utilize the tool.
  • Data Focus: Einstein Analytics is powerful because it can connect to and analyze your various business data sources stored within Salesforce. Without this data, it loses much of its value.

Creating Your First Analytics App

Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your first analytics app, emphasizing the importance of data and visualization. Since Einstein Analytics requires a Salesforce environment, we’ll focus on a more general approach using a tool like Google Data Studio.

Step 1: Data Preparation

  • Choose a Data Source: Start with a simple dataset, like a CSV file or a Google Sheet. Think about sales figures, website traffic, or even personal budgeting data.
  • Cleanse Your Data:
    • Fix incorrect data points and remove any irrelevant rows or columns.
    • Ensure consistent formatting (dates, currency symbols, etc.).
    • Properly label columns for headers to make your data easier to understand.

Step 2: Connect to a Visualization Tool

  • Sign up for Google Data Studio: It’s free and has a user-friendly interface (visit
  • Connect Your Data: Data Studio supports numerous data sources. Upload your prepared CSV or connect directly to your Google Sheet.

Step 3: Design Your Dashboard

  • Start Simple: Choose 2-3 key metrics you want to track on your dashboard.
  • Select Chart Types:
    • Bar charts for comparisons (e.g., sales by product).
    • Line charts to show trends over time (e.g., monthly website visitors).
    • Pie charts for part-to-whole relationships (e.g., market share).
  • Add Filters (Optional): Allow users to dynamically filter by date range, region, etc., to explore the data more interactively.

Step 4: Customize and Share

  • Branding: Add your logo or color scheme to personalize your dashboard.
  • Layout: Arrange charts and information in a clear, visually appealing way.
  • Share: Data Studio allows easy sharing via links. Get feedback from others to make sure your visualizations are easy to interpret.

Why Data Preparation is Key

  • Garbage In, Garbage Out: Clean, well-structured data is essential for accurate insights. Ill-formatted data can lead to misleading visualizations and wrong conclusions.
  • Clear Understanding: Proper formatting and labeling aid your interpretation during the analysis process.

Why Visualization Matters

  • Quick Insights: Visualizations reveal patterns and trends that might be missed in raw numbers. They’re designed for quick human pattern recognition.
  • Decision-Making: Compelling visualizations help stakeholders understand complex data easily, leading to better informed decisions.
  • Storytelling: Visuals help you present narratives around your data, highlighting key findings and influencing action.

Additional Tips

  • Iteration: Don’t be afraid to experiment and improve your dashboard over time.
  • Feedback: Ask others for their thoughts on the clarity and usability of your visualizations.

Explore advanced features

Let’s dive into advanced analytics features and touch on Einstein Discovery.

Beyond Basic Visualizations: Predictive Analytics

While traditional charts and graphs are powerful, predictive analytics takes insights to the next level. Here’s how:

  • Forecasting: Predictive tools can analyze historical trends and patterns to project future outcomes. Examples:
    • Forecasting sales revenue for the next quarter
    • Predicting website traffic growth
  • Identifying Key Drivers: Advanced analytics tools can reveal the factors that have the most significant impact on your outcomes. Examples:
    • Understanding what variables influence customer churn
    • Discovering which product features drive the highest sales
  • Scenario Modelling: Explore ‘what if’ scenarios by adjusting various inputs and seeing how your predicted outcomes change. This promotes better decision-making by highlighting potential risks and opportunities.

Tools for Predictive Analytics

  • Google Data Studio (Limited): Data Studio offers some basic forecasting capabilities.
  • Microsoft Power BI: Power BI has more robust predictive analytics features, including built-in forecasting and anomaly detection.
  • Specialized Software: Dedicated statistical software like R or Python provide libraries for advanced predictive analytics. These have a steeper learning curve but offer granular control over analysis models.

Introducing Einstein Discovery

Einstein Discovery is a powerful tool within Salesforce Einstein Analytics specifically focused on predictive analytics and automated insights. Key features include:

  • Automated Analysis: Einstein Discovery analyses your data and automatically uncovers hidden patterns and relationships, saving time compared to manual analysis.
  • Explainable Predictions: It doesn’t just provide predictions but explains the reasoning behind them, clarifying why certain outcomes are likely.
  • Actionable Insights: Einstein Discovery can recommend actions directly within Salesforce to help you take advantage of predicted opportunities or mitigate potential risks.

Best Practices for Success

  1. Set Clear Goals:
    • Before you start analyzing your data, think about what you want to achieve. Do you want to understand customer preferences, track sales performance, or identify areas for improvement? Clearly defining your goals will help guide your analysis and ensure you focus on extracting the most relevant insights.
  2. Know Your Audience:
    • Consider who will be viewing your analysis. Are they technical experts who understand complex data models, or are they more interested in the big picture and key takeaways? Understanding your audience’s level of expertise and their specific interests will help you tailor your analysis and visualizations to effectively communicate your findings.
  3. Pick the Right Charts:
    • Different types of data require different types of visualizations to effectively convey insights. For example, if you’re comparing quantities over time, a line chart might be most appropriate. If you’re showing proportions or distributions, a pie chart or bar graph could work well. Choosing the right chart types ensures that your audience can easily interpret the information you present.
  4. Keep It Simple:
    • Complexity can lead to confusion. Aim for simplicity in your analysis and visualizations to avoid overwhelming your audience. Focus on highlighting the most important insights and avoid unnecessary clutter or detail that could distract from the main message.
  5. Give Context:
    • Labels, titles, and legends provide important context for interpreting your visualizations. Make sure to include clear explanations of what each chart represents, what the data points signify, and any relevant trends or patterns you’ve identified. This additional context helps ensure that your audience understands the significance of the information you’re presenting.
  6. Learn and Improve:
    • Data analysis is an iterative process. Embrace feedback from your audience and be open to refining your approach based on their input. Continuously seek opportunities to enhance your analysis techniques and visualizations to better meet the needs of your audience and provide deeper insights into your data.


Salesforce Einstein Analytics is a fantastic tool for businesses to understand their data better. It’s easy to use and helps even beginners make smart decisions using data. You can create cool dashboards and predict what might happen next with your business. Einstein Analytics is super helpful for all kinds of companies. It makes things smoother, helps you work better, and lets you reach your goals faster. As businesses rely more on data, Einstein Analytics becomes even more important for figuring out what to do next and making things awesome.

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